28 June 2007


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(c) Blu Jewel 2007

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23 June 2007

fooled by a smile

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(c) Blu Jewel 2007

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19 June 2007

Poetry Tag

I was tagged by Urban Butterfly

The object is to add lines to the poem based upon what the picture inspires you to write. One lineshould carry over from the preceding line. When you're done, tag one person! Enjoy! (My lines are in BOLD, ITALICS)

The world waited outside for us

With moist grass beneath our feet

Cloaked with years of silent preparation

Silence procrastinates with the wind

The mystery of hope pours across the skin

Stretched tightly over our twisting limbs

Like the thatch that shelters us

From the wayward pummel of torrential rain

Giving deeper meaning to immaculate sun rays

Standing tall, erect, and proud in spite of

My outward appearance; my beauty lies within

I tag The Soujourner
