29 January 2007

Verbal Foreplay

With compliments like foreplay and his ejaculation of adjectives, I couldn’t help but yield and give way to the river flowing through my hidden canal. How could I say I was a victim to he? When all that I am is a part of he and he and I become we? I flowed like a river holding his boat steadfast and strong, knowing this moment would last all night long. Every word spoken was fluid and sweet, forcing my current to increase taking him deeper. Spilling his vernacular to slay and maim my conscious into blissful captivity. Nature rose and my body froze into molten flesh creating an instant tattoo. There was no denying that still waters ran deep.

© Blu Jewel 2007


17 January 2007


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(c) BluJewel 2007

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08 January 2007


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(c) Blu Jewel 2007

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03 January 2007

As I bloom

"A rose only becomes beautiful and blesses others when it opens up and blooms. Its greatest tragedy is to stay in a tight-closed bud, never fullfilling its potential." - Dale Galloway

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(c) BluJewel 2007

This poem came from absolutely nowhere. It simply entered my mind after I read the quote, which kind of reminded me how I felt about initially sharing my poems/stories with people. I've come a long way in a short time.

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02 January 2007

His love's divine

And the voice said...

"embrace me with
...unwavering comittment
...faith never ceasing
...unrelenting desire
...love abounding
...eyes wide open
...ears ready to hear
...understanding and compassion"

and I will fulfil your dreams if you only believe"

(c) BluJewel 2007

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01 January 2007

Welcome 2007


I'm back and filled with an energy that will meet and exceed the goals I've set for myself. I welcome you all back to The SaPhyre Lounge.